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Los 7 ríos más bellos de República Dominicana por Vanessa Espinal

The rivers of the Dominican Republic are very special, and here we will tell you which are the 7 most beautiful.

The Dominican Republic has an extraordinary natural diversity, as we have numerous attractions that make us a unique destination in the region. On this occasion, I want to highlight the most beautiful rivers in the Dominican Republic.

These waterways are enchanting, either by the color of their beds, the exotic beauty they harbor, or the journeys you have to go through to discover them.

1. Duck Tail

Cola de Pato

This treasure of nature courts us with its turquoise color and its incredible waterfalls. It is located in the mountains of Jamao Al Norte, Espaillat province, and is a favorite of many adventurers because it offers a complete experience.

To visit Cola de Pato, it is necessary to be in good physical condition, since it requires long hours of hiking; and to enjoy adrenaline, because you have to jump from a rock 10 meters high.

It is important to wear appropriate clothing and tennis shoes for the tour, as well as to be accompanied by guides from the community.

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